Nonton Movie Silence 2016 Subtitle Indonesia
Nonton Movie Silence 2016 Subtitle Indonesia Drama History 13 January 2017 USA
Nonton Movie Silence 2016 Subtitle Indonesia Drama History 13 January 2017 USA – Sinopsis – Silence At St. Paul’s College, Macau, an Italian Jesuit priest, Alessandro Valignano receives news that Father Cristóvão Ferreira, a Portuguese Jesuit in Japan, renounced his faith after being tortured. Ferreira’s young pupils, also Portuguese, Fathers Sebastião Rodrigues and Francisco Garupe, set off in disbelief to find him. Kichijiro, an alcoholic fisherman who fled Japan (later revealed to be a Christian who renounced his faith to save himself), agrees to guide them. At the Japanese village of Tomogi, the priests are surprised to find local Christian populations driven underground. They eagerly welcome the priests, who administer long-awaited sacraments to them. A samurai searching for suspected Christians, whom the villagers refer to as “the inquisitor”, straps some of the villagers to wooden crosses on the beach and places them in the ocean, where the tide eventually kills them. The bodies are then cremated on a funeral pyre so that they cannot be given a Christian burial.
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Director: Martin Scorsese
Writers: Jay Cocks (screenplay), Martin Scorsese (screenplay)
Stars: Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver, Liam Neeson
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